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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Today men have no leeway to say 'no' to a woman

Now-a-days (in heterosexual societies), if a girl approaches you, you have very little lee way to say no. And if you say no, without giving an acceptable answer, that can save your 'heterosesxual' image, like by 'proving' that you're already involved... then she will immediately think, you're 'gay'. And girls have a lot of power -- they're the one to provide manhood to men and to make or break a man. So, if a girl says it, men really take it to heart. I mean there's no way you can counter a woman who calls you 'gay'. Now the word has social validity. In the past, you would have been perfectly valid to hit the woman if she said such a thing. But, women have too much power today, for you to do that. You cannot call her a whore, because what she's doing is held perfectly normal by the heterosexual society. In any case, whores are really valued by the heterosexual society, and they won't attach a negative name to it, just like 'homo' is really valued in the men's spaces.

So what can a man do in such a case. Because, if a woman calls him 'gay' although women think that manhood is a superficial thing, it can ruin his life. He will be treated like an outcaste in the men's spaces and will lose all respect and dignity.

So, men either give in to the sexual demands of women, and this is sexual abuse... not only by the women, who may not even know that they are abusing those men, because, the men have to make them believe that they like what they're doing, but also by the society, which forces men to not only to submit to sexual abuse, but also to grin and bear it --- just like they were made to grin and bear being circumsised or being engraved in blood, while being fully conscious.

But, those who are adept at it, try to get away from it, without losing their straight status by weaving enormous webs around themselves... they may not refuse the girls, and pretend to be going around with them, but try to delay the sexual part as far as possible... by weaving innumerable webs... by shifting from one girl to another... endlessly, by making endless stories. This is very oppressive for men, not only becasue it builds such extreme stress, but also because, they have to give to it a big chunk of their time, in the prime of their life, when they could have done so much with it, to fulfill their true potentialities. And also oppressive because, in all the webs that they build, they get lost themselves, they cut off themselves with their own natural selves, their own true manhood and also from those who they really need in life, and who can give them the love and companionship they really, truly desire.

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