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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The scare of 'gay'

They're creating a lifestyle, a scare that anything except exclusive, constant and active 'heterosexuality' is gay, not only that, this gay straight, divide is not only limited to sexuality, but also in all social and personal spheres of men (the only exception is culture and family settings, because culture is still strong, and forces of heterosxualisation can't beat it yet), so that you can't only become 'gay' (and thus third sex), by having sex with a guy, but also by being too friends with a guy, by not having a girl in your group, by having men groom you (like barbars, etc.) and in all other social spheres. This gives their society not only an immense handle/ mechanism to control the sexual behaviour of men, but also their social behaviour, their attitudes, etc. that have little to do with sexuality, so deeply, that it could never have gotten if it had not created this scare.
You can judge the enormity of this scare by the fact that the youth, whcih is still insecure about his manhood is threatened to make sure that he is not seen too much with men, he doesn't go to a movie with only a male-friend, that he doesn't seem as physically close with a male friend (even things like holding hands), and they're very scared to form close bonds with men, lest they're thought of as 'gay'.
In the highly heterosexualised West, the gay scare has penetrated so deeply into men's spaces, that men as a group and as individulas have become extremely weak, with fewer and fewer rights and personal freedom, just like the bonobos. The effect of this scare has been that today, in the west, there's no such thing as men's spaces (unless you count the third sex, non-man, half-male, half-female, gay space as men's spaces), and no such thing as 'men' as a group or as a community or as a distinct class of people. The identity of a man has become totally dependant on women, so much so that he is nothing on his own, without a woman.

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