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Monday, August 18, 2008

There's no such thing as homo, hetero or bi, only man, woman and third gender

There are no heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals or any such things.

There are just three kinds of genders:
Men, women or the third gender

And, therefore, you're either a Man, a Woman or a member of the Third Sex.

And, if you're a man, you may be attracted to men, women, third gender, no one, everyone, animals, inanimate objects..... It just doesn't matter. You will remain a man and just a man.

And if you're third gender, you may again devote your entire life loving a woman, you will remain a third gender.

The division on the basis of sexual orientation is just plain absurd and misleading, and the first reason is that it doesn't recognise the three human genders. It works in a binary gender assumption, and instead defined the third sex space wrongly as 'homosexual', by clubbing masculine gendered and feminine gendered males together into it..., while the straight space wrongly classifies straight men as 'heterosexual', when their heterosexuality is, for the most part, socially engineered and produced through social pressures.

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